Are you ready for Halloween?
Sep 10
(I wrote this on September 2nd, during Labor Day weekend, but have not been able to post it until now.) I apologize for not updating this thing for a while! It’s not that I haven’t been reading any new YA lately. I have. I just finished Love Off-Limits by Whitney Lyles last night. But with all the new online changes—I am no longer the St. Louis Book Examiner, Xanga has shut down its old site and is working on migrating over to Xanga 2.0 and this site is going through some changes as a result of all these changes—I have not had the time to update. That doesn’t matter because I have been keeping up with my reading and have got to say that Love Off-Limits has made me a new fan of Whitney Lyles. This was a fun Halloween rom-com and nice escape for sure. Natalie is already in a seemingly perfect relationship with Jeremy, the boyfriend who seems to sparkle at everything he tries, especially sports, but lately Nat feels that they may be growing apart. She hasn’t been able to bring herself to break it off with him as Jere’s parents just went through a divorce and he needed her more than ever now. It seems OK to hold off the breakup until she starts falling for his best friend Matt. I’m starting to notice more and more that these stories revolve more around the main characters’ friends and love lives than their families. Is this the self-absorbed teenager I keep hearing about? Maybe I just didn’t have a normal teenage life. Or a different cultural background? Still I found the parts where Jeremy sat on Nat and farted to be absolutely hilarious! Those parts were my favorite because it showed how close as a couple they were and I hadn’t read anything like that anywhere else so far. I didn’t like Brianna though. She made me jealous. I think I was more jealous of her for Nat than Nat was. It shows that outside girls can lure your boyfriend away if given the opportunity to get closer and closer to him. And for some reason, even though I knew they were growing apart, it still...
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